Frequently asked questions

How do I track my delivery ?
How is my order prepared ?
How does delivery work ?
Order as a company ?
What if I can not find my favorite product on the list ?
Is the freshness of our products guaranteed ?
Placing an order
What is this “weight deposit” in my cart ?
And if the weight of certain products, such as meat, does not match with the ordered weight ?
I already made an order but I forgot something. Is it possible to add products to my order ?
Packaging and returnable containers/bags
Is there a minimum order ?
How do "One-click" payments work ? Is "One-click" secure ?
How can I pay ?
I live in a building without elevator. Will I still be delivered ?
Why are some delivery slots blocked ?
When do I have to order to receive my products the next day ?
What are the delivery costs ?
What are the delivery times ?
Site functions
I have food allergies, what can I do ?
How to create a shopping list ?

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